My Face

Hey! My name is Jason Palmeri, I'm 23 years old with a Bachelors in Software Development. Graduated at Bellevue University in 2023 in their Software Development Program

Early Life

When I was younger I was always fascinated with technology, I would spend most of my free time playing video games, watching youtube and twitch, and learning as much as I could about the things I loved. I loved to play around with the junk computers that my father had down in the basement, and with a little help from youtube I taught myself about computer building, and have had my own custom built computer ever since. Having always been interested in youtube and twitch, I eventually saw myself creating videos and live streaming, though I didn't see much success, I kept uploading and streaming, and learning to get better at using the tools available to me like Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas, and Adobe Photoshop.

Path to Programming

Creating things has been a passion of mine ever since I can remember. I always admired the things people built online, watching people build replica game items in real life, creating apps, and games. I always wanted to do these things, but never took the initiative. When sophomore year of High School rolled around I had the opportunity to take a new intro to web design and development class. It was my instructor Mark Illingworth who really got me interested in programming, the way he taught the class made it fun and exciting, and he always had something challenging for us to learn. After that class I was on a non-stop journey, I wanted to learn as much as I could. I continued my education at Nashua Community College where I learned new programming languages, and went more indepth into web development and design.

This Portfolio

This version of my portfolio was converted from React to NextJS. Previously I was using Vite but I wanted to try out Next's newest version with their App Router. This is the first step in my plan to start working on (and finishing) side projects, being a new graduate I have some free time and want to continue to build up my skills 😊 You can view the code for this website Here and the code for my older (React) version Here


Today I work at Pinpoint Global as a Software Automation Engineer for their suite of LMS and Medicare sites to provide customers with online certification training. My duties have included:

  • Writing and Executing test cases
  • Creating Automation testing software (via Selenium)
  • Creating Other Internal tools to help the support team

Being at Pinpoint has been an amazing experience, and I continue to learn more every day.

I am always open to new project ideas and opportunities, so feel free to Connect with me